
Friday 22 November 2013

#R2BC: week 47, year 3

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

God has been good to me. I know that but sometimes I stumble and feel don't and I forget. Well in the last week He has shown we that He's got my back! I reckon He knew I was at breaking point and showed, He's got me. What I've learnt from His revelation is that he is working but in his own time, not my time, HIS.

This week I'm grateful that:

  • Although hubby and I felt the need to pull out of buying a house  recently, we have now found something smaller but close to where we currently live that we love. I LOVE! and I realize NOW it fits EXACTLY what I asked for my post I want to grow roots
  • Valentina took her first steps this week!!! It may not seem like a big deal if you've gone through it a few times as a parent but I never saw Angelo take his first steps, back then I was working. I felt so blessed to see her walk for the first time with my own eyes
  • I went to church last Sunday with the kids, I was in desperate need of hearing His words. The top up did me well and the sermon spoke directly to me. Essentially it said don't worry about the future because God is looking after us.
That's me, so how was your week? I've love to hear from you.


  1. What great news, so glad you have been topped up and reassured. Did you see I have started Private FB group for Christian Mummy bloggers, just shout if you would like to join. It is very encouraging I find. Mich x

  2. Fab news on the home! I feel that going to church can really lift me :-)


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